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Like It or Not
S.L. Armstrong, April L'Orange, Angelia Sparrow, Naomi Brooks, Sean Michael, Gryvon, Stella Harris, T.C. Mill, Heidi Belleau, Violetta Vane
In The Blink Of An Eye (Juxtapose City 2)
Tricia Owens
Angel of Darkness - Cynthia Eden Loved this book. I will admit I did loose interest at one point, but not enough to give up and I still really enjoyed it :)I liked the fact there wasn't many facts to remember about the PRN world within this book. As I have a short attention span and would give up or loose my place.I will definitely read book 2 as Sam sounds like the sort of Dark Angel I wouldn't mind jumping into bed with bwhahahahaha Thanks B for the rec :) mwaaahhhh